Program Description
The mission of the Groups Scholars Programs Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Initiative is to promote and enhance the academic and professional experiences of first-generation and traditionally underrepresented students in STEM disciplines by providing academic support, encouraging professional engagement, and fostering community.
Academic Support
We coordinate and provide extensive academic support to promote personal development and success in STEM. Each scholar meets regularly with a STEM advisor to create an individual academic success plan, focusing on maintaining a balanced course load and identifying areas for support in academic and personal endeavors. As part of the program, STEM scholars also participate in a Groups STEM Seminar to facilitate learning about study skills, time management, and practices for academic success.
Professional Engagement
Through our program, STEM scholars have opportunities to network with faculty and researchers, attend and present their research at scientific conferences, and develop a STEM portfolio. In collaboration with campus departments, we host workshops for students to build resumes, personal statements, and prepare applications for internships, research opportunities, and graduate school. Additionally, we arrange visits to research labs and guest speakers to expose students to a broad range of STEM professionals.
STEM Community
Through the Groups STEM Mentor Program, students are matched with mentors (faculty, graduate students, peers) to develop a support system, increase confidence, and provide critical information important for completing a degree in STEM. Mentors maintain regular contact with mentees, offering social and academic support, advice (e.g. study skills. Time management, diversity issues, work/life balance, etc.), and encouragement. In addition to mentoring, STEM scholars bond with each other through shared and cultural enrichment experience, cultivating camaraderie, and a culture of success.
Overall, these three components contribute to the Groups STEM Initiative goal to support students as they pursue graduate studies and careers in STEM.